why i am sure i’m not God

G………….doesn’t forget names

G…………… doesn’t forget special dates

G……………….expects us to have difficulties

G……………doesn’t have trouble understanding

G………….is dependable

G…………..is predictable

G…………..doesn’t tap out

G……………knows our heart

G……………doesn’t keep score

G………….doesn’t have to ask permission……..but does anyway

G………….doesn’t run out of options

G…………..gives unlimited chances to make things right

G…………doesn’t expect us to be perfect

G………knows our limitations…….yet we can do anything with Him

G……….sees the best in people

G………….has unlimited resources

G………..loves everyone………even those that don’t love Him

G……….can take a mess and make it a blessing

G………nothing is to hard for God

G………..nothing is insignificant to God

G………….no one is worthless to God

G………….sees our potential

G………..can make a way

G………doesn’t see obstacles…………sees opportunities

God created all things, is Master of all things, keeper of al things, everything is God’s………………………but He will not come into our hearts until we ask Him…

whyiamsure i’m not………………….GOD