while you were sleepin’

while you were sleepin’…………………..God changed the world……..He does it every nite…………………you don’t always notice the changes but they are there…………just a slight wave of His Hand and the wheels of change start to turn………… there are so many things as we walk in faith we resolve that we will never understand…………………but our hearts do and…

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no way out/so i let You in

there’s no way out of this journey………………….we will ride it out till the end…….i couldn’t get over the problems i caused myself……………….so i decided to let You in…. when i was beaten enough to listen………………i sit down and You came to my side……i remember Your Voice very clearly…………….”let me steer….and you will enjoy the ride”………………….…

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how deep is the well

how deep is the well you draw from………………..that drains everyone around……..because your hunger for ”more”………………keeps things in an uproar and many are ready to shut it down……………. the problem with believing that those ”closest” will always cut us some slack……….eventually even they get tired of giving and never getting back so you might want to…

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the problem is a door

the problem is a door/it’s what you have been looking for/instead of being mad, you should be glad/ the answer that you seek is finally within reach the problem is a door please don’t send it away/ask it to come in and play/it will take some time but eventually you will find the problem is…

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why wouldn’t I

why wouldn’t i/wish good things for you/that i would wish for me why wouldn’t i/ want success for you /even it if it doesn’t come to me why wouldn’t i /wish health and happiness for you/though my health fluxuates why wouldn’t i want the sun to always shine brightly on you an yours/though clouds cover…

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the coldest ‘spot’ in hell

i hope you will reconsider you defiance…your disdain……your disbelief…………. you scoff when prayer is suggested……….but admit you have never tried…..you will keep getting chances until the day you die……………. so friend i hope you get it…………it isn’t hard to acquire……………….but if you continue to deny and defy the sacrifice that was made for all of…

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my house

i cannot change the world……………….but i can change me…………..being sure that what people see is what i believe……………..lofty ideal to expect the world to be things i am not……..and expect others to live by standards that i ignore…………… when i stop and examine the work that needs to be done in and around my house………….i…

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road ahead

i have not tread on the road ahead………………….but it gives me little concern………..for i have a friend that accompanies me and He has traveled these roads before……………..i have memories of past events when He has shown the way……………….and what appeared an impossible transverse………………..was just a mattrer of letting Him lead the way……………….. there have been…

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what the water knows

you gaze at me reflecting/ i remind you of days you long to relive/days you long to forget/the waves cover and uncover/when you are ready to accept/when you are ready to let go…… washing and rinsing/washing and rinsing/better than you were before………..never white as snow/life stains as reminders of where we have been………….and where we…

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respect takes on many forms………………..the first begins with me….what i say………….how i live and what is important to me……………………………respect for the things in my life that can be easily overlooked or taken for granted……………….health………..finances…………friendships….etc………. to appreciate what one doesn’t have and doesn’t need…………is a valuable part of respect………. i have all i need……………….i am grateful…

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