Archive for August 2020
somebody needs you today
somebody needs your helping hand………….to know you care and are there for them………………..not to judge or condemn………………but to left them know you are their friend………… someone has a burden to bare and the presence of your love helps to shoulder that burden…………….lightening their load……………..and that will mean more to them them all the words of…
Read Moremake”change” your friend
make ‘change’ your friend because it will come around now and then…….whether you like it or not………….. listen to what it says and stop long enough to digest how to accept and adjust to the rearrangement in your life…………….. because there is a reason it is there…….. it will not go away…………….and it will knock…
Read Morethe one thing that makes me ”rich”
the one thing that makes me ”rich”………… that i was introduced to God……that knowledge has opened many doors for me and probably has ”closed” many also….for which i am grateful……………i acknowledge that my vision is finite and conditioned by my will and fear…………………God’s vision is infinite and He has no fear…………………….. imagine having an army…
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hopeful that a word will serve to help you through the day….. that a note will stir your heart to help another along the way…. perhaps a shared event will help you muster the courage to face a fear…… they are just words………………until one strikes a nerve and help you understand why you are here………
Read Morealways more than we can see
grateful that a voice reminds me there is always more than we can see…………i am not capable of grasping……………”all”…………………..just part at best allowing me a margin of understanding, that parts are missing and to be careful not to make decisions based on evidence that is missing pieces restraint…………….restraint……………….is not for the faint…………….it will put your…
Read Moreheart song…………
sing me that song that stirs in your heart……….when you feel you are dancing for the King…… that melody that bids you goodnight and rouses you from your sleep….. that you learned long ago when times were bleak and it seemed to storms everyday….Ā you prayed that prayer of hope and despair…..”God i’m fading away”…………. you…
Read Morethis little light # 62.1
this little light is here for someone who needs a beacon in that dark place where they are………………….it isn’t about what i can do or say to them……….it’s about what God can do or say through me…………………. i have been in that dark place and i knew of the light so i turned back towards…
Read Moretitanic
your trying to steer us into an ”iceberg”…………..but we know there is much you don’t want us to see……………..your twisted in your thinking and we know it’s calamity…. that somehow you got the notion that you deserve everything you see………..when what iĀ don’t earn doesn’t take long… until it’s meaningless to me………….. so i will…
Read Morei quess so
I suppose you say the things you do because you forget your pledge………… I promised salvation for you if you did the best you could, to follow my teachings thought that was understood…………. but you continue to use you tongue to preach discourse and unrest………I won’t take away your salvation……………….just your happiness……………… silence is affirmation…
Read Morewalkie talkie/#.030
if you talk it/walk it You Believe Me or You Don’t all twisted up over things you can’t control You believe Me or You Don’t Finances looking a bit thin You Believe Me or You Don’t You pledged your allegiance to me/but you question whether i am listening You Believe Me or You Don’t cross…
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