won’t be long

something’s going to happen………you’ll see…………….when we refuse to get the job done………God will intercede……………

we could do it………………..but not enough people will stand up……………….they let others control the dialog……………..many have just given up……………….

but God doesn’t play favorites……………He goes by what’s right or wrong……………and if we can’t get this moving in the right direction………………………..God Will, Overnite…………..

something is going to happen,…………..it’s been going on to long………….you don’t slap God in the face and then move on…………………………..

those whom God has blessed…………..by the way that would include everyone who has air in their lungs,……………….are responsible to take care and nurture those blessings………..

when we don’t they are gone……………………….something is going to happen,……..soon