is my house……………….in order

so much easier for me to see the things you need to do and if i’m not guarding my mouth………..i am apt to tell them to you………………but i am reminded to turn the focus back on me and it doesn’t take very long to see there is much work to be done in my house……… heart……

can i be too kind…………..can i be to understanding…………can i be gracios as God is gracious to me…………can i go an hour without judging…………………can i be aware that i don’t have all the information most of the time…………………can i do for others what i expect from them………….can i give without thought of return………………the list is endless…….

i pray for me not to conform to my standards but to Gods’ standards…………and i ask your forgiveness to question the condition of your house/heart……when i see what a mess i’ve made of mine………..

i will focus on mine and leave you to work on yours