the measure of a man/woman

i define myself by the things i don’t participate in more than by the things i do participate in…

the affliations i attest to are as valid as my efforts in those endeavors…………..

talk………talk………with no walk…..walk….walk………… the sound of…..footsteps down an endless hallway with no doors………clack…….clack or actually cluck…..cluck…….

better to be known for a few well chosen tasks done well than many tasks done poorly…..

clear and concise……………….doesn’t that sound nice…….say it……….clear and concise……because it is….

the water gets muddy if you spend too much time in the stream………go in as needed and get out……………..clear and concise…………..

a great person to me is one that exudes personal confidence without arrogance…….a confident person isn’t defendsive…………….not easily provoked/i fall short here/ and tolerant without condoning……………very tricky stuff here…………but can be done……..

a meaningful trait is a willingness to endure criticism without retaliation………….very powerful indication of stability………………

i measure myself by these standards and fall short…………………but i have the guts to measure