i’ll give it away……..but i won’t throw it away

i’ll give away part of the day because i know that’s what you want me to do…….to strengthen these ties that unite you and I………………an bless those that need a little push…………………sometimes the wheels are in place to get in the race……..but we are afraid to let them roll and then we get a little assist and we are off with a wisk and we shake our heads wondering why we waited so long to let go…………………..

the wind in our face………………we pass others with a long face and we stop………..inquiring if there is anything we can do…………..we share where we have been and their faces stop looking so thin and the light comes back in their eyes…………….

they just needed to know someone cares and that little push was enough to put the wind back in their sails…….and they are back in the mix again……..

i’ll continue to give it away…………………….but i won’t throw it away……………..this precious gift………………time