
perfect life………………..perfect poem

perfect, regarding life to me doesn’t mean riches, without pain or suffering or status……it means a cornucopia or plethora of experience…………….i wouldn’t prefer to have my heart broken again…………..but i’m glad i went through it because it taught me things about myself……

i became an alcoholic and an addict in my early twenties and got sober at 49…………….long time to be in hell but i made it out with the help of many others….and in turn i do the same……i wouldn’t trade that experience for anything…….it opened the door to a personal relationship with God……..that i didn’t find at church…………..that’s on me not a knock on church……………

i have a son that i lost in my addiction but God has restored that relationship and we are buddies…………………..through forgiveness and grace

i can appreciate the world around me and even in theses crazy times i can find a reprieve and rest in communion with my Creator……………….

life is hard… times……and those lessons have made me a better person….

i have never written the perfect poem……………….but perhaps i am living it
