little pieces of paper

little shards of paper are crammed into folders, boxes and drawers……..sometimes they call out to be  re-examined and explored…….often they take me back to places and things of long ago………..funny how a few words on a sliver of paper bring back memories that were lost a long time ago……..

i am a compulsive person and that has given me experiences that would have been lost had i waited a moment longer to jump………..and great amounts of pain because i didn’t look before i leaped……………as one might expect…….a two sided coin……

nothing much has changed………….a word can take me over and take me to places it would take days to reach by plane……………………….these words have power to hurt and heal……..don’t take them casually nor be flippant………they are nails to build or ropes to hang……..

careful with that word……..Eugene……on those little pieces of paper