the air is leaving the balloon

the air has been leaving the balloon for some time, often my feet touch the ground……..all the things that were so important………have faded and slipped away….best part is i don’t intend to replace them……nor do i miss them……

the personal importance i placed upon myself and my opinions seem childish now and insecure to me ………confidence brought on by honest appraisal has benefitted both of us……..allows me to be me…..and lets me accept you as you are……..

i have no agenda to push…….my faith is the anchor and foundation of my life and world……..but it is mine…..if you see things that interest you…….ask….and i will be as brief as possible……i will not try to save you with words……….you will do whatever you do with personal inquiry………..

it is a relaxing and a relief to relinquish the idea i was all that good at being bad……..and all that bad at doing good……….a work in progress…..that’s all i care about…..getting better and breaking these chains i placed on myself over the years……..

i can and will respect you and if we can’t do that, we can move on……but i have no interset in arguing……

respect is a demonstration that one is comfortable in their beliefs…………….confrontation is a clear indication that is absent…….

i am not soaring above anything nor anyone……the air has left the prideful balloon and it makes for a nice reminder that if think i’m moving up on the the spiritual plane……….i better be going with others….and not in my head

i would like to thank Ben Ervin for taking over where my Father left off, Lucy Ruth for trying to hide her Angel Wings, Karlotz for being a voice i can hear and a sounding board that listens…….Miss Vicky who has captured my imagination through her zeal for life….Mirajenn for unexpected kindness that spoke volumes…………..and Billy Ray…….the effervescence kid in an old man’s body that refuses to grow up