love……… never afraid

love is never afraid………..laughs when things get in the way……….grabs a shovel and makes a way…………….naaahh love is never afraid……we are……

we rant and rave when fear comes to stay and we make sure the guest room is tidy and neat and when it complains about the bed we offer our own room and offer our bed…’s important that it enjoys it’s stay……because quite often fear is the easier way…..

love doesn’t tell us how things will go……it says hang on brother the damns gonna blow and if it gets to strong i know you’ll let go……and i’ll look for you downstream…..that’s just how it goes…….

love admits it has no control and offers a coat because at times it will get cold…..and it will help you gather the wood to rekindle the fire and light it with memories of hope and desire…..when you have gathered yourself, love will help you build a bridge….heal…..

or find someome else…………..

love is never afraid………………………………………………………………………………………….we are