the language of clowns/for halloween

the language of clowns comes upon us when we become overwhelmed and lack the good sense of restraint………..

babling words that have little thought behind them only emotion……..the sad thing is most of us are susceptible to the urge to be heard……regardless of what we are saying at the time…….only later to run after words that cannot be caught…….they become the vocabulary of clowns…….

when one realizes they have auditioned for parts and positions not available and had uttered words that lend themselves to confusion rather than conversation…….they have entered the realm of the verbiage and the vernacular of clowns……….disturbing to admit…………dangerous if you don’t ………

the wee bit of solace we can find rests in the fact that all of use lose control of our minds at times and enter into places we shouldn’t go and say things that end up in the ”Handbook of Clowns”……………………

somewhere you will find yourself in the next audition … the ”Language of Clowns”………

have some peanuts……..the show is just beginning