neighbor/the people next door……4 suelu and cheesyjeff

the people next door are just like us……..don’t trust the goverment and think taxes are too high………work in their yard and eat too much…….yep

the people next door are just like us

the people next door have a story to tell, we know because we take time to listen as they share their tale,they have seen heaven and have made short trips to hell…….

the people next door are just like us

the people next door will help you with things……and when they need something we do the same……..they respect us and we respect them……

the people next door are just like us……..

the people next door are good people to know…….they don’t act like they are better, just ”regular joe’s” and i am grateful for them and we let each other know…..we are grateful we are neighbors……

love you guys……….the people next door