not a detergent and not Dr. Phil………

if i just come to God when i feel troubled or out of alignment…….it’s like having a friend and the only time you hear from them is when something is wrong or they need someone to complain to……………that’s not what i want in a friendship nor does God………..

when God asks for all of us…….that means all…………bad and good and everything in between……….God isn’t Mr. Fix-it………

to have the correct relationship with God and friends we need to share our joys and blessings as well as our struggles………..

the scripture says…..”make a joyful noise unto the Lord”…………….it doesn’t say and then complain and protest because your wants haven’t been met………

give praise and glory to Our Father…………….He knows the ”skinny” on what’s going on…………………..this is not the Dr.Phil show………….this is the God of abundance and blessings show………