when i became a Man

it is attached to a man which he reaches a certain age……the laws of man now allow him the privaledge to do certain things…………….but it is not until he places himself under the law of the ”King” that he begins to enjoy a life he will find no other way……..

the characteristics of a child to enjoy and marvel at simple things……..is a gift to treasure and keep…..it will keep ones’ life interesting, flowing like a stream………but there are few things more repulsive than to see an adult behaving as a child……….

the proclaimation of a man to take ownership of his acts……….to take responsibility and repercussions is a noble act indeed…….but it is only part of the act if a man is truly going to succeed……..

for the day a boy becomes a man…..is the day he takes a pledge to stop doing harmful acts and stop doing those things he knows inside are not the best choices for him nor other men………………………..

better late than never……………….today i became a man