the pieces fall in place/for P.S.

Life is the biggest, baddest, scariest roller coaster of them all……………..nothing else will ever come close………..

when you are riding high and you are looking at all the beautiful clouds out of the window……….you hear the engine sputter and stop and you realize you don’t have a parachute…………………………..


it’s dark…….seems like lately it’s always dark……..and you feel like your in a hole with a shovel and you can’t get out and you can’t stop digging…….your’re exhausted but you can’t stop digging…….you look up and someone is lowering themselves down to you……’s an old friend and they tell you to stop digging and listen……you don’t and they smack you upside the head……and you stop/ broken from the spell……….you gather yourself and they say dig to the right and you take turns and it isn’t long until you begin to see daylight……….saved by a dear friend willing to meet you where you are and snap you out of it……..

i have seen the mountains and i have walked through the valley’s and i wouldn’t change a thing……..i needed to have those experiences to get to where i am now……….i can take it and i took it…….

not the same when you see a son or daughter or other loved one on the roller coaster and you have to let them take that ride…….you want to take it for them but you can’t………………….as hard if not harder that your own ride…..and you wait and you pray………

and they come out the other side and they are holding the hand of someone who seems different then the other ones they had met on the coaster……….and the first thing you do as a Father or Mother is you hit your knees and thank God He knew what He was doing and you see the pieces fall into place…….

thanks G/know this is special………..P.S.