i needed that affirmation/for the late Robert Palmer

something is prodding you and you try to ignore and it just continues to hound you and so you try and you feel life a bird on it’s first flight and you aren’t sure if your wings will lift you away from the ground………and you are falling……….falling……..but you keep flapping and you aren’t falling………you even out and you start to rise……you aren’t soaring…….but your not falling and you make it back to the nest………

that’s what it felt like when i showed you my verse……..someone i respected and someone who was respected and you said…….”i think there is something here you can work with and it will take some effort and then if it’s meant to be it will own you and you will be okay with it”…………………..and that’s what happened………………

you took the time to hear me……..encourage me and advise me and that’s the affirmation i needed…………thanks……you didn’t know me from Adam and you took the time to help me learn to fly…..