a stranger…….to himself

the longer we talked……….it became clear to me……..the person across from me had no idea who they were, what they were…….nor where they were in there life………………………..

a picture formed in my mind……………..a man sat adrift in a small boat………it had rudder, no mast, no oars………………………he was totally at the mercy of the wind……….he sat alone, bewildered and confused……..sharks surrounded the boat………

i was so moved by the image in my head and the look on his face………..i excused myself and retreated to the restroom……..i put some water on my face and a voice came to me……..”ask him where he came from and where he is going and then build a bridge in between………he won’t know the answers to those questions but it will give you a place to start”…………………….

a relationship thus began with the man who was a stranger to himself

he has introduced me to parts of myself that i was under the deception that i knew……..but realized………..i didn’t have a clue……

don’t be a stranger to yourself