the wealthiest man i know

the wealthiest man i know…….dumpster dives 3 days a week on a circuit he has traveled for years…………and has outfitted a second home with his eclectic finds……………he wears clothes others pass on to him and shares the ones he can’t use……he has garages full of every known building material and shares them readily…………………he doesn’t wash windows anymore but his customers loved him amd still send him cards……….he is in total control of his time……of which the majority is spent doing for others…….he loves to contribute and work…….that’s his hobby……………………the wealthiest man i know drives an old truck and is always sharing a latest find……that could be anything and if you take a liking to it…….he will likely offer it to you……………just the way he is……………………………

he has plenty of money because he is frugal and smart with his ”skins” as he calls them but what makes him truly wealthy is his determination and focus on being helpful and happy……nothing gets him down for long…….

when i need a lift i go see him…….that does it every time…..

the wealthiest man i know has a heart of gold and the most positive attitude of any person i know……and he will gladly impart it to you…..

love you Billy Ray