don’t be a stranger to yourself

amazes me that at least once or twice a day i meet someone who has no idea who is walking in their shoes……..sounds comical but it’s true…….if you ask them anything personal it’s like they are in turmoil and need ” TIME OUT ” for consultation with themselves…………baffling to me and awkward for them…………………….

start with the basics and branch out from there

-who am i, what am i, why do i do the things i do and go from there………………poor people

here’s my scoop…………….i’m impulsive…….frequent liar……fretful poet……..selfish and a damn good friend…….[doesn’t seem possible with my other fine qualities, but i manage]…….see this gives us a starting place…….most people aren’t looking for saintly or perfect………just be real at something…………………not a blank canvas with legs…….

thieves attract thieves…….neurotics attract neurotics……users attract users……………but empty attracts no one…….