the family secrets

why was i in that car……..with a man i did not know

why did my Father tell me to go and it would be okay

what were we looking for and why was i taken away

i do not remember much of anything and i wonder to this day………..did something happen i wanted to forget or just a mind game that i play…………….

i just remember the man who came to the house occasionally, i think he worked with my Father, was how it was presented to me

i remember he smoked a lot and he did funny things with the wrappers of chewing gum…he would separate the foil from the wax paper and roll it into little silver balls…….

there are other things i will not mention here that someone that i know, perhaps could shed light on them……. if they have the courage to let them go…….

i suppose every child has something they carry to adulthood and sometimes those demons are acknowledged and some remained protected in the woods…….

perhaps there is a strategy……….. behind the curtain that we cannot see and the ‘Great Oz’ whom i call God determines what truths would help and what would cause further misery

the need to know………is in His Hands