fair trade agreement/for at. and cat

i know you feel they should demand respect from me but i could give a shit about your advanced degrees…………..why common sense has escaped you?, ………it didn’t escape me………

confucius said ” knowledge without wisdom is like a stack of books on the back of a donkey’s ass”

maybe you should put your books away and buy some fortune cookies…………….at this point it would do you more good…..at least you won’t be hungry……….

i hear you………………few things in like are fair or equitable…..true……………..but i won’t hang around them any more than i have too…….

the learned are easy to read……….because they know everything

i remain happily ignorant……but teachable

the Fair Trade Agreement In Relationships:

if you want my consideration and respect…….it would be my honor to offer it……..but if in our dealings it becomes evident to me that you have no intention of dealing the same for me……

you and your shit……….can pack up……….and get……..the port is closed…………

i will forgive you…….but i won’t keep you…….homey doesn’t play