wasn’t mine to take/stolen beauty

the warm spring sun had ushered the blooms from their stems…………so i have thought to gather some to adorn a table within…………was about to sever some of the beautiful limbs when a twinge inside spoke to me………………” i would prefer you not to touch them, they aren’t yours to retrieve”……

i questioned that warning as i was standing in the yard……paid the monthly mortgage and often weeded the grass…………..

the voice came again, ”the problem is you think you have done this own your own………..so I thought I would remind…..all you have is on loan………….and if you continue to ignore the gifts I have given………………wouldn’t be a strain for Me to take all this away”………………….

so i sat on the patio and took a quick review of how i had been blessed with a home, health and food………..had no problem admitting i had been remiss, in acknowledging how blessed i am and to whom I owe the gifts…………i asked for forgiveness and felt ashamed for what i’d done and the voice whispered once again……………”your shame would do us any good……..what would be a better plan….is to change your mind from ”expect” to ”gratitude” and i will be more inclined to share more gifts with you……..cut the flowers, enjoy them and acknowledge where they came from…….get outta here”……………..