the Pilate in my head/ kudos to carlotz

the Pilate in my head……condemns me everyday………..i try to follow the rules he makes…… but they change like the wind……..just when i feel i am getting settled and both feet are on the ground………he sends his guards and i am arrested, convicted…………..placed in shackles and back in prison again…..

there are rumors that he met his match……………a Jewish Carpenter was accused of spreading a different ”word” and the Pharisees were quite upset fearing they would lose power if it spread……………so they brought up these fictitious charges and Pilate was afraid…….if He didn’t go along with them they would challenge his reign…………………

so he symbolically washed his hands and agreed to nail Jesus to a tree……………..but what they failed to understand is that He would return to fulfill His prophecy ……………..

so i decided to look Him up and i found followers that believed and they taught me that i could dethrone Pilot…….. He no longer had that power over me……..

because Jesus had paid my debt……..up on Calvary.