the frail soldier /for Gill

the frail soldier takes his place…………..guiding others to the heavenly gates…………….his wounds from this world have taken their toll…………………but he continues to serve as an example to us all……………………………………………..

the nights are long at his post………..and the Savior watches with Him to chase away the ghosts of past events that try to coax………him away…… to blame and profane the God He loves because of the incredible pain………………… He gets a glimpse of what was endured so that his spot could be secured in Gods’ Heavenly Realm………with a defiant laugh and smile he tells the devil his body may not survive this trial…………but a new one is on the way and his heart and mind were always safe………protected and encased with our Lord and Savior’s Grace……

We salute the Frail Soldier