how deep is this well?

how deep is this well, that provides me with thoughts…. that stir my hands and excite my heart……….

how far can one look inside……….into corners where the boogeymen hide…….and coax them into telling their tale…..that may give us a clue……………how deep is this well….

the depth of this well is dependent on me………..selectively taking advice and instruction from those that live their lives the way i want my life to be…………….attentive to others without the illusion i can fulfill all their needs…….how well i learn these lessons will tell………………………just how deep is this well

i depend on this well to quench my thirst………not for this body, but for my soul………….i have to be careful not to pollute or contaminate by letting everyone drink……sometimes being selective is painful……..but that is a price i am willing to pay…..

so i am beginning to see the depth of the well is determined by me……i need not be afraid that it’s source will cease to flow… long as i am willing to look, listen and continue to grow…………………….that will determine………

the depth of this well