mordecai jones/ slave by choice

mordecia jones was a black man knew, i mention his color although it made no difference to me……………….it did to him………………………and maybe to you….

we worked on the docks unloading cargo from ships …………at lunch he read the Bible and i would listen to Him………………..

he had a strong back and large weathered hands and he taught me to be careful i was in a dangerous land…………

at first i thought he was talking about the men on the dock…..most had been in prison……….drank and drug a lot and it was dangerous work and you could get hurt…….if you weren’t paying attention and staying alert……..but he was talking about life…………………..

”my family was sharecroppers in Tennessee and if we didn’t work….we didn’t eat…………that’s the way it was told to me………from my Grandmother Esther who looked after me……………….she taught me the Bible and explained it to me…………………..we weren’t slaves to whites no more……but we would always be slaves by choice to Our Lord and Savior who died on the Cross…..

so i can be a witness to these wild and crazy men…………and some like you come and listen now and then……………..a few have decided to come to the cross and i pray with them when they are struggling or lost……..i choose to call myself Gods’ slave……………..i give Him that honor for the price He paid, He sacrificed His Son………………….His Son………so we could be saved…………

Son, you can make a difference wherever you are, grow where you are planted”……………………Mordecai Jones

slave by choice