before it is gone

a young boy ran to his Father and was in a state of concern…

seems all his friends were off to school and his time had not yet come…………………..

i have no one to play with, the poor lad was quite undone…….

His Father replied, ” I think that’s not so,” and walked his son outside in the bright morning sun……….

they went into the garden and sat down on a bench………

his Father whispered, ” if you are quiet playmates will come to you”…………………………….

it wasn’t long after they were seated a squirrel ran down from a tree……. came very close to look at them and ran off to tell a friend………………………

a deer was nibbling berries on a bush and joined the activity and soon the boy was lost in a world he had never seen……..

the Father slowly rose and left his son alone…….and several hours later his smiling son returned…………….

”Father i must share the arrangement with you concerning the new friends i have found…………….the bluebird and the cardinal would like me to keep more water in the trough……so they can bathe more often and keep their feathers clean and soft……….if i could save the bread crumbs all my new friends agreed……………would be a nice addition to the food the garden brings………………..the deer have requested a large block of salt, it’s good for their digestion and not to leave it in the rain……….my favorite new friend is a crow whose name is George………seems he is in charge of security, and alerts the others when their is danger in the woods…………… you can see i will quite busy with the new friends i have found……please wake me very early so i may do the chores you have asked me to do……..and the rest of the day i will be in the garden and prefer not to be disturbed by you”……………………………….

the Lord’s Son grew of course……..and was required to participate in other things………..but he never forgot His friends and spent time with them everyday………

when the Lord was older the son came to his bed……”Father i must thank-you, for your wisdom in showing me a world i never knew and the joy that it has brought to me are more precious then gold and jewels…….friends and people come and go in a world that is changing all the time………….but the one thing that has remained constant is my friends in the garden you were good enough to introduce me to……………you gave your son access to a world that will always remind me of your love……..and my love for you……”

that night the Lord died……………but His Spirit lives on in the Garden……………

take time to see the gift……………before it is gone