back to the factory

my Father loved to tinker, mend and make things like new………i marveled at his patience to see a project through………when he would get to a sticking point…. this is what he would do, instead of forcing the issue………..he would consult someone who knew……….

i can remember but a few times that a project sat on the workbench for a week or two………but there were a handful of times before he obtained what others knew……

i have taken on that tradition and i’m not as good as my Dad……most times i get the job done but it never really compares…………………………..

i remember a lesson my Father taught me…………it was a summer day and it was kinda warm and he had an electric saw that didn’t want to turn………….he had done his homework and realized there was some parts that he would need……….

he said, ”sometimes you can push on and get the job done, an sometimes things are out if your league….and you have to honest with yourself if you wants the results you want and send the piece of equipment back to the factory…………same thing with life [as the sweat was pouring from his brow] if you don’t feel confident and you have done what you could………….send it back to the factory and let God work on it”…………….

i’m not the ”fixer” my Dad was but i manage to get by……………….and when life throws me a problem……..that is over my head………………..i send it back to the ”factory”……………..and let God work on it…..