the fable of five

in the midst of a stormy night this dream came upon me and it brought a few things to light……………………..

there was a knock on the door, who should come to visit at this hour on such a perilous night…………i saw a strange figure and he held the light so that i could see his face and it was a sight…

i took him as a gnome from the ”land of the forest” and he said : ”there is no time for long introductions my friend, the damn in the upper valley is about to give in……………….we have a boat that was built long ago for such an occasion for we knew the damn was old……you have befriended us and basically left us alone and when we needed your help you always came…………….we have mere minutes before it will break and you may come with us and 5 things you can take………….and you count as one…..”

i roused the two dogs and tethered them to a leash, woke my wife and told her to dress warm…………….no time to explain………and i grabbed the family Bible as it had weathered many a storm and we walk from our home into the woods following the gnome…….

shortly i saw the outline of a sturdy looking craft and walked up the landing and boarded it……… we were ushered to the stern i could hear the the crashing of the water as it carved it’s way to the boat and the wind whistled loudly and we began to float…….

the morning sun shone through the window and i was soaking wet lying in my bed……….my wife opened her eyes and said you had a fretful night and i begin to tell her about the ”Fable of the Five”…….

what would you take