
so many people had used you before and i cautioned you

anyone vaguely representing integrity or honesty was so enticing to you

i begged you to be cautious and to protect yourself, but you wanted to believe in someone so badly that you accepted some proof…. as enough

i found you in the park twirling your hair like a little girl with the look of absent………..not there

it was several minutes into the conversation when you told me this adventure had cost you ten thousand dollars and you would have to put a second mortgage on your house……………………………………….

now i know the routine and you will go to work and hibernate at home until you feel you can be in public again………………..

i have seen you turn from naive to private investigator……………….people you should trust……….you doubt…………………..people you trust see you as an opportunity to get something………….

i don’t know how to help you……….other than be your friend……………..

i want nothing from you other than friendship and after many years you still don’t get that either………………….

hard to watch