
it seems to be a strange anomaly between what your lips say and what your body says………………………………………………..

that disconnect has you stretched and it’s like watching a real life ”Gumby”………………..very disconcerting to watch……like Joe Cocker teaching a Sunday School Class………………………

when your separate the emotions attached to a person and can be objective,………….very few are able to achieve this…………….especially Mother’s concerning their children, the body doesn’t lie, it isn’t made that way…………………………the mouth however is an organ grinder waiting for a monkey……..

that disconnect is so obvious and there is no chance electricity can flow through that cord…………….you get shocked when you handle it ………………………..eventually it causes a fire and the only thing that can extinguish it………….is the truth…….

i said extinguish…………………..i didn’t say restore……………………...

hmmmmmmmm……………………..are those fire trucks