i stole the knife/ for enzem/ex cutter

i stole the knife you used to cut little pieces of yourself ……..they were given out like souvenirs…………………….i never understood it why you thought so little of yourself……………………from the outside you were always beautiful and you have held up very well…………by i saw something that made me pause as if you were in a spell…………………………………………..

i wouldn’t let go of what i saw and you knew that i had a clue………….like exercising demons i demanded answers……. from you…..slower than a snail can crawl you told me what happened to you…………………..you asked me not to use your name but to share it with others so that it might help them too……………………….

you were always Daddy’s Girl and you adored and followed him around………………..you would sit on Daddy’s knee and he would move his hands around…………………you thought nothing of it until late one night you heard the creaking of your bedroom door and that night in your mind Daddy made your into his little ”whore”…………..

you reasoned you have brought it on yourself and you grew numb and cold and this continued for some time until God took him from this world……………………as the casket was lowered into the ground tears freely flowed………and you shed no tears and kicked dirt into the hole………………………..

you shared with your Mother of the things that had been done and she called you a liar……………….and threw you out of your home……….you never spoke again and now she is gone………..

but i am a Poet people drop their guard for me……..so that i may gain a glimpse of their pain and misery…………………and i kept pressing the issue until you exploded at me and you began pummeling me with blows meant for your Dad……………….

you did manage to bloody my nose and i had a cut across an eye………..when you became exhausted…… you begin to cry…….as you cleaned my face and profusely apologized…………….you told me the story that forever changed two lives………………………………

when it was over you left the room and returned with a hankerchief ………….inside was a small pen knife……………you said it was your Father’s and you no longer needed it………………..

i stole the knife……………………… you started healing that night