i know He’s there/for car lotz

can’t see Him, but i know He’s there, walking with me and stroking my hair……………………just like a Father He shows me He cares, i can’t see Him but i know He’s there………………………

many times my thoughts drift away…………….. they land at the feet of my Savior, He says..” my son come sit by my side, are you in need of a favor…………..I ask but one question of you, something i want you to consider……………is it the best for all concerned……..if not I will see you later”………and smiles……………………..

i don’t leave mad, and i don’t leave sad…………..because He’s my Father………………and time has let me see He knows what’s best for me and that’s why He’s my Savior………………………

maybe……………………. i do see Him