
pause for a moment to reflect what you hope people remember about you

honestly there are only a few people that i care to be remembered by………………if there is more fine……………..doesn’t matter

those people know………………..because i tell them…………..i show them……………i spend time with them…………….i share with them and they share with me……………………

they will say, i’m wild……………..cantankerous……………loyal…………devoted…………..ornery……………insightful………..unpredictable……………….courageous..fearful………………brutal……………………..loving…………..mostly good…….

because i am…………………………..

i know me and i let those i care about know me…………..almost all of me

but i save that little bit………………….just for you……………

best of all………………….all of them think they are the only ones that know that part……………..makes them feel special

i think that’s the way it ought to be