life/2 sided coin

from early on, best to accept……….when things are going well

your life is about to flip……………….picture in your mind all the good things are in line……………they are marching to the edge…………to mingle and jingle and tell everyone how good it is…………a little moderation goes a long way……………….and then it flips…………

the next weeks see a downturn and the silent issues start to protest…….”you are working on their complaints………..we feel we have been missed”……………you try to assure them that you are doing the best you can and right before you lose it……………the coin flips again……………………..

for many years you seemed to be stretched beyond your capacity………..then in a moment of desparation you throw you hands up……………….and you hear……..the voice…………..

”stop taking life so seriously……enjoy the ride……………swinging get boring…………….the roller coaster is where life is”

the coin continues to flip and by the time it does…………i am starting to get bored…………….all about perspective

thank God for the two sides of the coin