it’s my thing

it’s not your thing………….it’s my thing

you can’t do my thing and i can’t do your thing

i won’t judge your thing and hope you won’t judge mine

i can show interest and respect for your thing and hope you would consider the same for me………………..but if not that’s okay………….i will keep doing my thing…………….

my thing isn’t contingent upon your approval and i don’t hold that against you nor expect it from you…………’s my thing

see the skinny is………………..if everyone did their thing and stopped meddling in other people’s ”thing”…………………we all would get along better and be more interesting……………………………….

do your thing………….if i can help you let me know………..independent and not beholding to anyone is very powerful…….

it allows the courageous to do kind and caring things not out of duty…………….but out of love…………………pure simple unrefined…

do your thing……………..i am