too much to ask/ i agree to do the same for you

your attention: sometimes i want your undivided attention………not all the time but sometimes

listen to me: listen to me with both your head and your heart…..i can tell if you are listening if you pause to consider my words……..and if you don’t understand………ask for a clarification

walk in my shoes: as best you can and try to see from my perspective……………i am not asking you to agree but to consider

my place is secure: give me your thoughts on my place in your world and why i should feel secure in that place and protected…..adults that are conscious all realize the biggest, baddest, and brightest all need to feel protected, it’s human nature……….if we were always that secure we would come off as conceited ……………

make a concerted effort to know me……………….not examine or interrogate…………..but know what makes me howl at the moon and shake in the dark…………….when you dig with a spoon instead of a shovel……………i get the feeling you are trying to uncover, like an archeological dig rather than a burial site…………….

i don’t think these things are complicated………….they just require awareness and willingness…………………….

i would not ask………….unless i was capable of doing the same for you