that one thing /for vic/mirajen

there is one thing………………that connects us all, short,fat, big or tall, and all the colors of the rainbow…………….that common thread is love…………….we all seek it, we want to give it and we want to experience it………………when that fundamental desire ends…… does all meaningful life……………..we continue to exist but we cannot flourish…………..

when we are confronted with confusion and distortion……….that person is asking for love……………when we are criticized that person is asking for love………when we are mocked……………the mocker is asking for love………………..when we are scorned………that person is asking for love………………….

our human defenses are thinly veiled attempts to disguise our need………………….to be loved

in the face of adversity, hate, indifference, and betrayal………it is a hard lesson to remember and goes against our natural instincts but it is the most powerful defense we can offer……………giving love with no expectation of having it returned

that one thing that connects us all……


  1. Mirajen ;) on March 23, 2020 at 10:16 am

    Oh that is beautiful David – so well stated and says it all. Jesus couldn’t have said it better himself!!??

    • on March 23, 2020 at 11:39 am

      trees walk and birds talk……..i have heard them sing through you
      the joy you bring with your smile…….walks with me for many…many miles long after we part……..thank…u