
shallow breaths and then no more………… soul was heading towards a door……..a voice engulfed me, ”sit . i would like a word with thee………”

i was taken to a room where i could plainly see the sun and the moon………….the voice continued on……..”like two bookends that mark each day……the sun wakes you up and the moon lays you down…..the difficulties you had in your life was during the course of the day you didn’t keep me in sight…….as the days progressed you got so tangled in your mess you were finally hung yourself…. I am stepping in now it’s My turn…….keep your mind focused on me from the first light, all through the day and into the night………….if you remember that you will have a good life……………try this one more time….”

i awoke in my bed and was relieved in my head………..renewed….

i was resuscitated