drowning in myself

i can’t breathe and the walls are closing in……..i see the sky above the water………but i don’t have the will to swim…..i feel myself falling and it never seems to end……..drowning…….drowning in myself………

i see images coming near me, dear and lost friends…….the ones that are gone call me to join them……..and the others grab onto me and say ”this is not the way to end………but i’m drowning………….drowning in myself……

i find myself at the surface as the last bit of air is spent…….i see a rock in the distance and i swim over to it………i set on top of it and i shake from fear and pain……….

a voice seems to surround me and it whispers in my ear…….

”i have other plans for you, your work has just begun……now may be a good time to remind you……..you life doesn’t belong to you……remember you gave it to me when i saved you the last time……….catch your breath and gather yourself…..swim back to the shore……. we will start all over because you didn’t learn the lessons you thought you had before”……..

drowning in myself……