an act of kindness/for miraclejen

a act of kindness affects me to this day…….although at the time it did not register to me…….perhaps i was lost in the conversation and i failed to acknowledge the significance……….but later it dawned on me and stays with me ever since………. perhaps we are remiss at times to think our actions go unnoticed or…

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the science of God is Faith

so they keep trying to convince me it just couldn’t be …….the things in the Bible are to far fetched and illogical……..but i never thought i would be at the place and the only reason……Gods’Grace………….. so you can’t believe that i could be fooled by things reported that seem impossible and yet here i stand…

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i can’t be doing my best…….if i am keeping you from doing your best……………………..i cannot claim to be caring unless i do things i am not drawn to…….but know needs doing……..that is convenience…..i cannot profess to be loving if i am only able to love people that love me……………reciprocation should have no bearing on how…

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the seed of hope

the seed of hope had taken hold and you stopped asking why and did what you were told……it was tested and proved and the road ahead had been paved for you by other lost souls who had found their way……………listening to those who had been saved, from a hopeless state of mind……………. you are encouraged…

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lettuce/ tomato and mayonnaise

we make certain things part of the regular script and there are days when we can barely hold to it………but we keep info to get through it…….we’ll call it l.,t, and mayonnaise……. at the end of a trying day we grab hold of something that we know is okay and that doesn’t take the chaos…

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let the past sleep

let the past sleep, it did it’s best to prepare you for upcoming tests………everything was supplied that you would need…….some you latched on to and some was like the wind in the trees………we all have missed opportunities to learn and to grow……………but let the past sleep…………… isn’t waiting

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was a time not that long ago when that word would have connotations of boring, what a difference a few thousand days make……..not so today…….a pleasant day has a flow that is steady and productive without being significant……………….i don’t find that boring…….rather relaxing………………it’s impossible to know what you do not know…………an old friend would say…………….and…

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the trick to staying young

the trick to staying young……..never quit having fun………be quick to laugh and slow to judge and do 1 thing you’re not supposed to every day………for me i love smoking a pipe…………….you don’t want to get to good……little chance of that……. be constantly on the look out for things that peak your interest……….when you stop seeking,…

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time has had its’ affect on me and i an glad for what it has done…………brought forth the information i was searching for………although the process wasn’t always fun…………..but i am a seasoned piece of oak……to be used as a board or plank…….sturdy and dependable because of the choices i have made…………..was not always a pleasant…

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one step away

always one step away from doing the right thing and one step away from a higher plane………when i do the next right thing……doesn’t make me better than you……..allows me to see myself in you…… one step away from judgment or compassion……..condemnation or tolerance ……….division or collection……. one step to the left…….one step to the right…….one…

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