1 out of 2

you will never…….never………never……know what is in someones’ head…………..if you know them for 50 years………………live with them or was raised with them or by them……………..never…… but you will know what is in their heart……….by the way they address you……..pay attention to you…….stay in touch with you and confide in you…………………… so forget about trying to discern…

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a lesson one must learn to find contentment

situations…….what people do or don’t do……..desires not met…… lack of appreciation………..respect………injustice……..lies…….unfaithfulness………….the list is virtually endless……..these are hard things that at some point in time most of us will face……….but without a dominant underlying belief and appreciation for life and the wonder of life one is doomed with the seemingly continuous burdens of everyday life …………….stuff…

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now what do you do

deny, deny, deny until it’s on top of you……looks you in the eye and says, ”what wrong with you ….you don’t have to like it but stop lying to you”….. you have been in the process for so long that you aren’t even mad that it took you so long……you have been wrong before and…

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the hard way

the ”hard way” still retains it’s place as the accepted method of learning………..you would think that with all the advances in technology that would have changed……..but i’m here to tell you….it hasn’t…. people are still reluctant to embrace the truth if it interferes with their agenda or personal beliefs…….. also still holding it’s rank as…

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the human condition

much as i would like to think i appreciate the significance of things and people in my life……i don’t think we are capable of that realization until it is taken from us or it is lost through negligence or rarely……no fault of our own………………. the love of a friend or partner…family or pets………….we lack the…

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thought you would never ask/for borgy

i would see you looking out of the corner of your eye…….i knew you were wondering how i always seemed happy and joyful and alive……..it was all i could do to stifle myself and wait till the right time arrived…………finally after no one was left to accuse…….God pointed the finger at you……. you admitted that…

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i see it in you because i have seen it in me/for borgy

you don’t have to explain it i get the gist…..everyone and everything is on your shit list……..i hear you beating around the bush……but i think you know the problem is you………….we run in the same circles and the people that drive you crazy drive me crazy too…….but i just accept them as flawed……………like me and…

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after you know…….where else would you go?

when your feet were stuck and you finally broke free…….you came to believe in a power greater than thee………..as life moved along often you would forget and things got twisted and you gave into it…….after suffering enough you would surrender and that’s when you would remember how to handle it……give it to God….. then you…

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the battle within

the battle within determines the battle without and when i conquer my demons i pause to reflect………my greatest victories are within myself……. sad to say but i often forget others may pose problems but they are rarely a threat………the one i have to be aware of is within myself………. there is no good side nor…

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