you never know

you never know where life will go and we best be ready to ride the tide…………what had seemed like a sure thing doesn’t seem that solid after all…………………….

we look across a frozen pond and we wonder if the ice will hold………….debate the pros and cons and decide to wait until it thaws…………….

realizing that the spring will bring a good season of planting and a bountiful harvest or……. the land will respond with a voice that it is tired and needs rest and lie dormant……..

life always feels daunting when we question it………but the moment we decide to see where it goes………a tiny crack is exposed in the damn and the waters of the thawed pond press against it and the desire to see what’s on the other side is too great for the wall to bear………..

a trickle becomes a stream and a stream becomes a torrent and land that was tired and dormant responds with renewed desire to produce and yield……..refreshed by water that couldn’t be contained any longer it saturates the soil and refills the aquifers that had been dry for too long……

we never know where life will go…… but it is imperative that we believe in it’s……………..magic