what can i bring/for mgill

what can i bring to a dying man who is full of more life than most of us…………who accepts the outcome but not the terms…..he has basically told his disease, ”i’m going when i’m ready………………not when you’re ready………this is my show and God is the director and producer……….so sit over there and be quiet, throw you spears and realize i’m not finished playing this game of life.”…………

and i just realized what i can bring is respect……..and love for a brother who has always been supportive, engaging and interested in me and my work……..

but the reality is without a doubt what i bring will pale compared to what i take away……a man who is teaching me how precious life is and how to go to any length to see a sunrise and sunset…..

some of us paint and write poems and songs and find all sorts of ways to express ourselves……………..

then there are some who don’t do art…….they are art…….and that’s the way they live their life………….you bro would fall into the latter category