making God more reasonable/for Father Jon

efforts to make God more reasonable and easier to comprehend are the equivalent of bringing God down to our level……i couldn’t put much faith in a God that operates with the same skill-set of a man………………

the need to understand and comprehend the works and measures that God takes is another form of defiance………..

we are saying if i don’t understand it, i can’t believe it……call me when God comes to your door and says ”just stopped by to explain what I am doing, so you’re okay with it”……………………………

i do not worship a mamby pamby God…………i worship and athlete, missionary, scholar that will go to any lengths to help, hold and love us…………………but don’t mess with Him………….because He will kick your hindparts to kingdom come and back to get your attention and headed in the right direction………….i couldn’t believe in a God who didn’t love me enough to do that……………….

so to answer your question, ”you think Jesus would condone war..”

sure do………..if it came down to that………….hard things require hard responses……….if you want a soft an cuddly faith………..maybe you should stick to fairy tales………………