a lesson one must learn to find contentment

situations…….what people do or don’t do……..desires not met…… lack of appreciation………..respect………injustice……..lies…….unfaithfulness………….the list is virtually endless……..these are hard things that at some point in time most of us will face……….but without a dominant underlying belief and appreciation for life and the wonder of life one is doomed with the seemingly continuous burdens of everyday life …………….stuff happens but the magic and splendor of life is always there if one is determined to find it…………..

my car is in the shop…so i rode the bus to work and because it took a different route than i would have normally taken…………..i got to see many things i otherwise would not have experienced…..we are never given all good or all bad………spend your time looking for the good and the other stuff will fade away…..

the lesson: one must look for the good