the hard way

the ”hard way” still retains it’s place as the accepted method of learning……… would think that with all the advances in technology that would have changed……..but i’m here to tell you….it hasn’t….

people are still reluctant to embrace the truth if it interferes with their agenda or personal beliefs……..

also still holding it’s rank as the most feared element in life…..noooooo, not death…the truth…….

closing in is common sense, seems that has been replaced with the latest ”trend” or whatever your personal preference is regardless if it works are not…….i am seeing more square pegs in round holes then ever before…….”we’ll make it work”……… the car rolls down the street on three wheels…………..moving but a rough ride…..

here have a rock……..start chewing it will help you prepare for all the crap you will you try to swallow