rush to wellness

when we realize that things are askew……..the pieces we gathered don’t seem to fit, every other step results in a slip…………….we want to rush to wellness……..

the pain is so great we want to give it away, to anyone who will listen and then fall prey…….only trouble is it doesn’t go away……..hence the rush to wellness…….

the old saying goes ” you walk twenty miles into the woods, you have to walk twenty miles out”, the problem is we don’t want to walk, we want to run……..hoping to avoid looking at the destruction of the past………………we miss the chaos and confusion we caused………..we view the past as adversary……instead of record………….missing the valuable insight into why we do the things we do……….recognizing patterns……………………

a rush to wellness…………… typically a rush to disaster……………….walk slowly and look without judgment………it is what it is