the necessity of faith……you won’t figure it out

we roll with the illusion that we have a grasp how things work and what will and won’t last………and something happens and our ideas get trashed……………..the necessity of faith……………

i couldn’t take it, i couldn’t go on if i didn’t feel there was something in charge and all the calamity and chaos i see……….is all part of a grand plan and everything is as it is supposed to be……………….thus the necessity of faith……………

there is something inside that seeks a higher plane…………wisdom of the universe where nothing needs to be explained………………i believe it exists……………..the necessity of faith….

i believe i am going somewhere when i am sitting, meditating in a chair my soul travels to something that is drawing it near…………the natural attraction of faith…………

i cannot look into a starry sky……………or gaze at mountains protruding through the clouds or hold a baby as it sleeps without a vibration that reverberates through my bones…….we are not here by chance and we are never alone………………

the absolute necessity of faith